How to place the sculpture in public space?

CASUA Academy
Corporate Culture
The answer to this question was brought to us by Michal Gabriel, academic sculptor and professor of sculpture at the Brno University of Technology, for the next CASUA Academy networking series.

On Thursday 13 June 2024 we hosted another lecture from the CASUA Academy series entitled "Sculptures & Architecture, Sculptures & Public Space, Sculptures & Landscape", where sculptor Michal Gabriel presented his work including the changing process of creation, materials and technologies used.

Architect Oleg Haman gave the opening remarks, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between architects and sculptors and presenting several joint projects in which CASUA has collaborated with Michal Gabriel:

  • Thefountain on Masaryk Square in Hradec Králové: a perfect combination of a water feature with the architectural design of the square, which enriches the public space.
  • Themonument to Professor Otto Wichterle in front of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences in Prague 6: a tribute to the eminent scientist and his contribution to science, has become a symbol of the Institute and an inspiration for future generations of scientists.
  • Horses grazing on the square at the intersection of Kafkova and Wuchterlova streets in Prague-Dejvice: the revitalisation of the urban space brought a natural element to a busy part of the city.

Academic sculptor and professor Michal Gabriel lamented:

"Unfortunately, I work with my hands very little nowadays. Especially at the beginning of the work, we are helped by digital technologies, where we carefully model the whole object, including the future installation site."

He explained that in addition to digital modelling, today's sculptors also use artificial intelligence to calculate the exact parameters of the work or virtual reality to best install the future sculpture in its intended location.

The lecture attracted a diverse audience of Czech real estate developers, architects, designers, architecture students and representatives of the art scene. They sparked a final debate on the production and logistical aspects of installing the six-ton Asteroid sculpture, which could be seen in the castle park in Hluboká nad Vltavou or in the Kaskáda golf resort in Brno.
