
Palace of the Riess of Stallburg

It is a reconstruction on the plot of two historical gothic houses, which were built at the time of the foundation of the New Town of Prague by Charles IV.
We tried to add some elements, especially functionalist architecture and glazed terraces.

Whether they are 20th century buildings, 19th century buildings, gothic houses. We, in consultation with the conservationists, tried to add some elements, especially of functionalist architecture, and to glaze the terraces that were there with semicircular glazing to increase the use value of this house. It's one of our favourite renovations we've done in the centre of Prague.

The building consists of a rococo rebuilt Baroque Ries Palace behind Stallburg, a 1920s courtyard extension of an office building and a two-storey palace extension from the same period. The building is listed on the state list of immovable cultural monuments. The Rococo palace was cleaned of inappropriate modern interventions, the original layout was restored respecting the stucco decoration. The arts and crafts elements were professionally restored. The result is an important commercial and administrative palace with representative, office and retail space.

Investor: Financia a.s.

Architect: CASUA s.r.o.

Designer: CASUA s.r.o.
