
Smíchov City

The Smíchov City project deals with the urban, architectural and infrastructural design of the historical part of Prague, which is converging from the former Prague Smíchov freight station into a multifunctional urban district.
Území je definované novou pěší třídou, která v severojižním směru propojí zástavbu městské části Anděl s nově budovaným dopravním terminálem Praha-Smíchov.

Urbanistically, the area is defined by a new pedestrian avenue, which in the north-south direction will connect the urban area Anděl with the newly built transport terminal Praha-Smíchov and divides the area into two parts. The main north-south communication axis is complemented by perpendicular east-west interconnecting streets linked urbanistically to the existing street system defined by the historical development of the area. The resulting street structure creates space for further realisation of the inner-block type of urban development.

Two newly proposed urban parks are linked to the main central pedestrian zone, one serving as a quiet oasis of greenery and the other as a multifunctional park with play and sports elements, where this multifunctional park is operationally linked to the newly proposed school that will be built in the area.

As part of the design work, emphasis was placed not only on sufficient green space in the area, but also, based on model calculations, on the targeted placement of greenery and the inclusion of water features to avoid the creation of 'Heating Islands', i.e. places where the newly proposed pavements and materials used would create localised hot spots during the summer months.

The project also included the design of a comprehensive infrastructure network to serve not only the currently designed buildings but also the future development.

Due to the location of the area, the extent of the designed area and its links to the surroundings, the project was coordinated and adapted throughout its development to related projects, which are mainly the Prague-Smíchov Transport Terminal, the reconstruction of the Prague-Smíchov railway station and the new school.

Thanks to the cooperation and collaboration, the individual projects will not be separated in the future, but on the contrary, the individual areas will be connected into one whole, which will ensure the passage and movement of inhabitants through the area, which until recently was considered as a barrier to the movement of the city's inhabitants.

Investor: Sekyra Group a.s.

Architect: Baumschlager-Eberle Architekten, Lustenau, Austria, Pavel Hnilička Architect and Planners, s.r.o., Prag, Czech Republic, MS plan, s.r.o., Prag, Czech Republic

Designer: AED,a.s., CASUA s.r.o.,

3D models: More.is.More and Augg.io


